Most children are active learners. This means they can’t sit still during classes; they do best with extra-curricular activities and they easily get bored with plain reading. These types of learners are called Kinesthetic Learners.

Kinesthetic learners understand information through hands-on studying and through moving a lot. Most schools favor visual and auditory learners as classes are usually structured on textbooks. However, knowing the different study techniques for kinesthetic learners can help your child cope up with school.

Here are 5 effective ways to take advantage of your child’s kinesthetic learning style:

  1. Take a break
    Your child can have a hard time sitting and studying for a longer period of time. Make sure to let them take a break when studying. Quick breaks can help your child’s mind to refresh itself and be ready to study again.
  1. Use diagrams and charts
    Writing down notes in a text form may be an effective tool for visual learners, but not for kinesthetic learners. They need to see the structure. Diagrams and charts will help them comprehend the information through patterns. They can use different colors of pens and draw shapes to make it easy for them to retain the information
  1. Flashcards
    Using flashcards is a fantastic way to engage kinesthetic learners. They will enjoy writing on a card and flashing it (with an element of surprise). Rhymes and other mnemonic devices can also be good options.
  1. Keeping their fingers busy
    To engage kinesthetic learners, their body needs to be active while studying, specifically their fingers. Tell them to trace words using their fingers. They can also try typing their notes on a computer to encourage them to move while studying.
  1. Combine it with an activity
    They want to do some form of activity and not just study. You can encourage them to go for a walk outside or run while listening to lectures. Not only is this a good form of exercise but a good way for kinesthetic learners to absorb information faster.

Perfecting these techniques for kinesthetic learners will help them understand learning materials better and prepare for their examination.

About the Author

Farid Gasim is Founder of and has extensive experience in serving the Middle East education industry. As an integral part of media agency, Grafdom, Farid has developed marketing strategies for institutions and government agencies. He is a notable speaker with over 12 years of marketing expertise and numerous public engagements at New York University, Zayed University, Higher Colleges of Technology and other industry events & forums.

5 Tips to Study Effectively for Kinesthetic Learners