Thanks for helping us tell Congress that you believe that enrichment education should NOT just be for rich kids and to make sure that 21st CCLC funding is used solely for afterschool…not just for extended verbal and math learning time.
Make It Your Mission! Part 4
Think about how you want to set up your event. Do you want people sitting in chairs facing you at the front (e.g. stage/audience) Do you want people sitting in chairs in a round circle? Do you want people standing
Make It Your Mission! Part 3
Plan a date, time and place to have a gathering to talk to other “like minded people” in your community about your personal mission. Use your visual/spatial, interpersonal and/or verbal smarts to create one or more of the following to
Make it Your Mission! Part 2
Talk with your child about people who do work that’s similar to what your child said his or her mission was in the last exercise. Are there careers that are close in nature? Volunteer opportunities? Do some research online and
Make It Your Mission! Part 1 in a Series
This month, we’ll be focusing in on helping your kids develop their own personal “mission statements” and weaving together the intelligences via a multitude of activities as you help your kids pursue their missions. So, we’ve added a new blog
Make It Your Mission! Personal Mission Series Part 6
It’s time for your next mission meet-up! Talk to each other about what your experience was with your responsibilities from Part 4. Did everyone do what they said they were going to do? Did some people do more than they
Make It Your Mission! Part 5
Attend a trade show or conference with some of your fellow advocates and/or a parent that is in alignment with your mission. (Maybe one of your new email pen pals will also be attending and you can meet!) Walk the
Make It Your Mission! Kids’ Personal Mission Statement Series
I think we’ve all be inspired by movies like “Pay It Forward”, but many times don’t think that we can have that kind of large scale impact on our country or world. The reality is that when you combine passion