It’s time for your next mission meet-up!

Talk to each other about what your experience was with your responsibilities from Part 4. Did everyone do what they said they were going to do? Did some people do more than they had planned?

Analyze your results by writing down these 3 numbers for each of the different techniques you and your fellow advocates tried:

  • How many people were you able to connect with about your mission?
  • How many of those people could understand why it’s important to you…and should be to them.
  • Use a calculator to divide the number of people you were able to inspire by the number of people you were able to connect with.
Talk about which techniques were most effective in terms of:
  • Reach (how many people you were able to connect with using that technique)
  • Conversion rate (what percentage of people you were able to get excited about your mission using that technique)
  • Evangelist rate (the number of new “advocates” you were able to get to join your meeting as a result of using that technique)

What techniques to “get the word out” do you want to try this time around? Will you use the same ones? Do you want to try new ones? Has your mission changed course as a result of your efforts? Has your focus narrowed or broadened?

Before you go home, be sure to set a date and time for your next small group meeting.

Return to Part 1 with your growing group of advocates and spread the word about what’s important to you to even more people.


You are helping to change the world for the better in ways that are important to you. You should be extremely proud of yourself. šŸ™‚

Make It Your Mission! Personal Mission Series Part 6