Watch a short film or movie scene that your child hasn’t seen before with the sound off. Can s/he tell what was happening with Character X in the scene? How did they feel? How about Character Y? What about their faces,
It’s (Math) Party Time!
The common core standards set forth the following criteria for math proficiency are grounded in 8 math “commandments” that include contextualizing, strategizing, modeling, precision, reasoning, structure, content proficiency and perseverance. We feel these standards are missing a crucial first step…
“Uno Más” Game Repurposing Post
For those of you who have enjoyed playing our repurposed Candy Land and Twister games, here’s one for another game you probably have in your home that may or may not be collecting dust. UNO! Take the subjects in which
Celebrating Citizenship
With 4th of July quickly approaching, Canada Day just past and Bastille Day next week, it seems that people the world over are celebrating citizenship. Play some national anthems with your child and read the english versions of the lyrics
What a Character!
Adapted from a post on Minds in Bloom by Rachel Lynette. Used with Permission. “If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the
Enlightening Film Fest
Watch a movie together, paying close attention to set design, camera angle and lighting. How do the changes in lighting or openness/closed feel of the set change the way your child interprets the emotional state of the actors? Extra Credit: Are
Make It Your Mission! Part 3
Plan a date, time and place to have a gathering to talk to other “like minded people” in your community about your personal mission. Use your visual/spatial, interpersonal and/or verbal smarts to create one or more of the following to
The Way You Make Me Feel
Play different classical music pieces by different composers. How does the music make your child feel? What about each piece makes him/her feel that way? Instruments used? Chord progressions? Tempo? Melody? Harmonies? Extra Credit: Look up what the composer intended the piece
Broadway Baby
Watch a broadway show or musical theater movie with your child. Have him/her make up a song for one of the other characters in a scene that wasn’t singing…or compose a song for “after Happily Ever After”–what happens to the
Be Playful
Have your child become a playwright. Take his/her natural gift for language and storytelling and apply it to playwriting. Creating dialogue, imagining character motivations and developing story arcs will help your child strengthen interpersonal smarts in a way that’s comfortable for