Effective Breakout Groups for Intro Lessons

effective breakout groups

“In dealing with people, when we keep their type in mind, we are respecting not only their abstract right to develop along lines of their own choosing, but also the importance of qualities they have developed by making that choice.“

Nurturing Leadership Qualities in Your Introverted Child

Nurturing Leadership Qualities in Your Introverted Child

article originally written for KSL.com by Jen Lilienstein According to the Center for Applications of Psychological Type (CAPT), introverts represent approximately half (47-55 percent) of the U.S. population, even though “the population seems to be about 70 percent extraverted,” according

Using Personality Type to Enhance Music Education

music education

Bonnie TeVelde wasn't always a music school director—she started as an accountant and business operations consultant that helped clients develop their businesses. She was frustrated and started a music education on the side to fill her soul in a way

Effective Breakout Groups for Long-Term Projects

effective breakout groups

Break Apart by Multiple Intelligence FIRST Place at least one child with a parallel preference in each of your breakout groups. E.g., for a history lesson, place a child with and intra- or interpersonal preference in each breakout group; for

Top 5 Reasons Why Personality Tests Are Important

Top 5 Reasons Why Personality Tests Are Important

original article written for HowToLearn.com by Jen Lilienstein In high school and adulthood, we often look to personality tests for information about who we are or how a loved one or colleague acts, but there are many reasons why learning

Who Are You and What Have You Done With My Child?

As a parent, have you ever felt this way about your kids? The “Jekyll” child you’re used to around the house suddenly becomes Hyde and turns the whole household dynamic on its ear for awhile. Or you sit down at

Getting Ready for Back to School – Tortoise and Hare Style

Getting Ready for Back to School – Tortoise and Hare Style

article originally written for FamilyShare by Jen Lilienstein Did you know there are two different ways to get organized for back to school? It depends on whether your child is like Aesop’s fabled tortoise or hare! One is not necessarily

References We Used As We Developed Kidzmet

References We Used As We Developed Kidzmet

Genesis of Kidzmet While we started building the current version of Kidzmet in late 2010, the inspiration for the idea actually came from Jen Lilienstein’s undergraduate senior thesis in 1994. Under the direction of Dr. Francesca Cancian at UCI, Jen

The 8 Elementary Personality Types – An Introduction

The 8 Elementary Personality Types – An Introduction

article originally written for Lesson Planet by Jen Lilienstein Focusing on personality type in lesson planning increases classroom engagement and learning. When planning lessons for your class, what types of insights do you use to differentiate and personalize instruction for