Adapted from several online resources, including ArtsWork. When many of us picture ourselves dancing, we think of movements inside a small box (prom-style)–or moving side-to-side with small arm movements close to our bodies. And even for kids that have attended
Alien Invasion
Adapted from a Chicago City Parks & Rec activity recommendation (used with permission) See a familiar outdoor setting with new eyes as you and your child pretend to be aliens on a mission to explore our planet and report back to
References We Used As We Developed Kidzmet

Genesis of Kidzmet While we started building the current version of Kidzmet in late 2010, the inspiration for the idea actually came from Jen Lilienstein’s undergraduate senior thesis in 1994. Under the direction of Dr. Francesca Cancian at UCI, Jen
Just Dreamy
No matter whether you believe that dreams can help you solve problems, give insights into what’s to come into your life, or simply are strange jumbles of emotions and images from your day…they do offer an interesting look at your unconscious
Wordless Walk
Make a date to go for a wordless walk with your child each evening. Use the opportunity to silently reflect on your days, just enjoying the sounds of nature as you stroll away the day’s stresses. Think about what you
Summer Reading Recommendations for the “Self Smart” Child
All ages Have You Filled a Bucket Today: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids. By Carol McCloud.Through simple prose and vivid illustrations, this book encourages positive behavior as children see how rewarding it is to express daily kindness, appreciation,
Sensory Sensitivities
Visit different outdoor environments—e.g. the playground, a field, the woods, school, your backyard, a community garden, the zoo, the beach—or even just the same one at different times of day with your child and tune into your senses. What does
Time for a Time Capsule
A “2020 Hindsight” time capsule can be a fun (and easy!) way to fill the summer with self-reflection and encourage intrapersonal growth/awareness in your children. Wash and dry an empty plastic or glass container with a lid that can be
Innerspace List Poems
Adapted with permission from the Chicago City Park District’s “Once Upon a Day Camp” Guide, which was adapted from original source “Art & Poetry Projects for Kids”, by Alice George Using a piece of butcher paper, draw an outline of
Journal Jar
Because self smart kids generally have a good handle on their emotions, moods and reactions and enjoy self-discovery and reflection, journaling is often a favorite activity and an enjoyable way to develop linguistic acumen. But just getting your child a