Play a piece of classical music that is supposed to take place during a certain season. Can your child guess what season the composer wanted you to see in your mind’s eye? What about the music helps you see that
Broadway Baby
Watch a broadway show or musical theater movie with your child. Have him/her make up a song for one of the other characters in a scene that wasn’t singing…or compose a song for “after Happily Ever After”–what happens to the
Hearing in Color
Using a pitch pipe, have your child picture different colors as you play each note on the scale (e.g. red for C, orange for D, yellow for E, green for F, aqua for G, blue for A, purple for B).
Welcome to Kidzmet’s Recipes for Success!
At Kidzmet, we believe that just as a pre-packaged product is not the ONLY way to cook a dish, nor the ONLY dish we should consume, we cannot continue to think about a pre-packaged standard of intelligence to which we
Touchy Touchy
Watch a well-acted movie scene or play with lots of interaction. Write all of the character names down one column, then make one column for touching and one column for being touched. Have your child make a tally mark by
Rhythm Nation
Talk about the different types of notes (whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth) as well as the time signature or meter. Talk about how, just like in math, each measure has to make up the number of beats in the time
Melodramatic Mime
Have your child act out a favorite story or book in melodramatic mime, playing all the characters. Encourage over-exaggerated movements from him/her! Extra Credit: Have your child mime one of your favorite stories without you reading it. See if you can
Dance Party!
Choreograph a routine to the chorus of a favorite piece of music and teach the whole family the dance. It’ll be like your own personal macarena! Anytime you hear it on the radio, family members listening have to do the
Senza Voce Video
Watch a short film or movie scene that your child hasn’t seen before with the sound off. Can s/he tell what was happening with Character X in the scene? How did they feel? How about Character Y? What about their faces,
The Way You Make Me Feel
Play different classical music pieces by different composers. How does the music make your child feel? What about each piece makes him/her feel that way? Instruments used? Chord progressions? Tempo? Melody? Harmonies? Extra Credit: Look up what the composer intended the piece