Plan a date, time and place to have a gathering to talk to other “like minded people” in your community about your personal mission. Use your visual/spatial, interpersonal and/or verbal smarts to create one or more of the following to
Let’s Commune About Nature
If you haven’t already discovered Wordle, this activity will give you a fun introduction to this creative tool as well as a creative way to get your Kidzmet Kids talking about all the natural phenomena that are affecting our loved
Autobiographical Cube
Inspired by an activity in Multiple Intelligences in the Elementary Classroom: A Teachers Toolkit by Susan Baum, Julie Viens and Barbara Slatin. Take a square box (or die) and put 4 of your child’s FAVORITE multiple intelligences on the sides
Remember Which State is Which? Naturally!
Build on your child’s blossoming naturistic and visual intelligence to connect state nature and name. Print out (or purchase) a good sized map of the United States, then decide which of the following to “map” on top of each state:
Cute “Creepy Crafty”
With October starting this weekend, many of the topics of conversation in our house have started to orbit around Halloween. What should we wear? How are we going to decorate? When can we get a pumpkin? Which neighborhoods are we
Parking Lot Parade
Getting bikes all gussied up, then parading around on two (or three) wheels with friends is one way to get both fine and gross motor skills moving this summer. And while parents are growing increasingly wary of letting kids play
Creativity for the Crafty-Phobic Parent
Guest post by Meredith Resnick (M.Ed. & M.A.) of Many parents are wary of creative projects if they don’t consider themselves particularly artistic or crafty. I understand this, as I am a former-fearful-crafty-mom myself! In the past, when asked
Paint by Part of Speech
Brush up your budding artist’s English skills by transforming a paint-by-numbers download into a a paint-by-part-of-speech. (Or rhyming words for the little ones.) 1. Download a paint by numbers drawing off the internet (this one came from 2. Import
Score Well in Math
Inspired by Super Bowl Sub Game from Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome and Other Hands On Learners Now that pre-season football has begun and families have started to think about afterschool sports, here’s a fun way to remember
Out-of-the-Box Gaming
Much of the appeal of video games for kids lies in flexing their logic/strategy muscles and developing spatial aptitude via the game’s fast action and leveled challenges—not to mention getting the opportunity to be a “hero”—all of which can be