Adapted from a post on Minds in Bloom by Rachel Lynette. Used with Permission. “If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the
Out-of-the-Box Gaming
Much of the appeal of video games for kids lies in flexing their logic/strategy muscles and developing spatial aptitude via the game’s fast action and leveled challenges—not to mention getting the opportunity to be a “hero”—all of which can be
11 Learning Tips for Visual Learners

by Farid Gasim There are different types of learning methods for every kind of learner. But one of the most common cognitive styles is visual learning. Visual learning is a style in which a learner uses graphs, charts, maps, and
Effective Breakout Groups for Practice Lessons

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." Albert Einstein MBTI Manual, p32 Break by Multiple Intelligence FIRST Place at
Yaaaayyy, Learning!
While there are a significant number of people on both sides of the fence as it relates to Brain Gym’s trademarked series of movements and whether or not they work, there IS a significant amount of scientific evidence that movement (particularly
Effective Breakout Groups for Intro Lessons

“In dealing with people, when we keep their type in mind, we are respecting not only their abstract right to develop along lines of their own choosing, but also the importance of qualities they have developed by making that choice.“