Play different classical music pieces by different composers. How does the music make your child feel? What about each piece makes him/her feel that way? Instruments used? Chord progressions? Tempo? Melody? Harmonies? Extra Credit: Look up what the composer intended the piece
Streams, Sculptures & Screens
Introduce your kids to the visual natural masterpieces of Andy Goldsworthy. Then, go on an outdoor “explore” with your kids and your camera phone with the intention of creating your own natural mixed medium masterpieces. As with Andy’s work, your
Make It Your Mission! Part 1 in a Series
This month, we’ll be focusing in on helping your kids develop their own personal “mission statements” and weaving together the intelligences via a multitude of activities as you help your kids pursue their missions. So, we’ve added a new blog
Poetry Puzzle
Adapted with permission from Chicago Park District’s “Once Upon a Day Camp” Guide Read selections from an anthology like The Rattle Bag and compare the word choices of the authors from different eras. How has the English language changed over time? What
Innerspace List Poems
Adapted with permission from the Chicago City Park District’s “Once Upon a Day Camp” Guide, which was adapted from original source “Art & Poetry Projects for Kids”, by Alice George Using a piece of butcher paper, draw an outline of
Fireworks are Popping Up All Over!
People often mistakenly associate body smarts solely with gross motor coordination (e.g. sports, dance). But kinesthetic intelligence also encompasses fine motor skills. Take advantage of your kids’ excitement over tonight’s fireworks to flex your kids’ kinesthetic and visual-spatial mind muscles
Cute “Creepy Crafty”
With October starting this weekend, many of the topics of conversation in our house have started to orbit around Halloween. What should we wear? How are we going to decorate? When can we get a pumpkin? Which neighborhoods are we
Worldly Words
Learn about a different aspect of the world around you each week this summer! Brainstorm topics about the natural world that your child finds interesting, then put those topics in a hat or bowl. Have your child draw one topic
Summer Reading Recommendations for the “Picture Smart” Child
All Ages: Books by Laurence Anholt, who penned several children's books about famous artists including Monet, Degas, Picasso and van Gogh. Books by David Macaulay, whose books have won numerous awards and honors including the Caldecott Medal, about different kinds
Effective Breakout Groups for Long-Term Projects
Break Apart by Multiple Intelligence FIRST Place at least one child with a parallel preference in each of your breakout groups. E.g., for a history lesson, place a child with and intra- or interpersonal preference in each breakout group; for