Have your child become a playwright. Take his/her natural gift for language and storytelling and apply it to playwriting. Creating dialogue, imagining character motivations and developing story arcs will help your child strengthen interpersonal smarts in a way that’s comfortable for
Just Dreamy
No matter whether you believe that dreams can help you solve problems, give insights into what’s to come into your life, or simply are strange jumbles of emotions and images from your day…they do offer an interesting look at your unconscious
Senza Voce Video
Watch a short film or movie scene that your child hasn’t seen before with the sound off. Can s/he tell what was happening with Character X in the scene? How did they feel? How about Character Y? What about their faces,
Summer Reading Recommendations for “Number Smart” Kids
Growing Patterns: Fibonacci Numbers in Nature. By Sarah C. Campbell. Crisp design and clear photography introduce and depict Fibonacci patterns in nature. Fever Crumb. By Philip Reeve. A lone girl sets out on a mission to retrieve lost technology in a
Fall Recipes Your Kids will “Gobble Gobble” Up
Few things are close to cooking for at-home learning activities that don’t feel like learning. There’s math involved in measuring and adjusting recipes; linguistic smarts involved in recipes & reviews; kinesthetic work involved in chopping/kneading/stirring/etc; interpersonal & communication skills involved since
Time for a Time Capsule
A “2020 Hindsight” time capsule can be a fun (and easy!) way to fill the summer with self-reflection and encourage intrapersonal growth/awareness in your children. Wash and dry an empty plastic or glass container with a lid that can be
Cute “Creepy Crafty”
With October starting this weekend, many of the topics of conversation in our house have started to orbit around Halloween. What should we wear? How are we going to decorate? When can we get a pumpkin? Which neighborhoods are we
Creativity for the Crafty-Phobic Parent
Guest post by Meredith Resnick (M.Ed. & M.A.) of labelsnotlimits.com Many parents are wary of creative projects if they don’t consider themselves particularly artistic or crafty. I understand this, as I am a former-fearful-crafty-mom myself! In the past, when asked
Summer Reading Recommendations for the “Music Smart” Child
All ages: Story of the Orchestra : Listen While You Learn About the Instruments, the Music and the Composers Who Wrote the Music! By Robert Levine. The book is divided into two major parts: composers and their associated musical periods,
Broadway Baby
Watch a broadway show or musical theater movie with your child. Have him/her make up a song for one of the other characters in a scene that wasn’t singing…or compose a song for “after Happily Ever After”–what happens to the