by Meredith Resnick, M.Ed & MA I have always been skeptical of clothing items that say one-size-fits-all. And for good reason! Although those gloves with the ‘one size works for everyone’ tag may in fact fit my 4 year old
The Extraverted Intuitive Type for Kids
Also referred to as ENFP, ENTP, ENxP, ENP, or Extroverted Intuitive personality. The extraverted intuitive personality type for kids grows up into an ENTP and ENFP adult. They are motivated by creative inspiration and seem to be curious about everything. They
The Introverted Feeling Child
Also referred to as INFP, ISFP, IxFP, IFP, or Introverted Feeler personality. Expressive visionaries, kids with an IFP personality type often feel most at home in the arts. They love to understand what makes people tick and enjoy deep one-on-one
Kidzmet’s Teacher Student Fit Evaluations
Just as a seed needs to first grow roots, then develop a shoot, then a bud before becoming a flower, introductions to new pursuits for children need to be approached in a similar way. Kidzmet members use our teacher student
Why Praise Is Important
This article was written by Jen Lilienstein and originally published by KidzEdge There’s a nasty rumor making the rounds in many parenting and teaching circles that is only a half-truth. And, just like most half-truths, it has the potential to
The Introverted Sensing Personality Type for Kids (ISJ)
Also referred to as ISFJ, ISTJ, ISxJ, ISJ, or Introverted Sensor personality. The ISJ personality type for kids is indicative of incredible powers of concentration. ISJ kids love to have plenty of time to work independently in a logical way—just
Nurturing Leadership Qualities in Your Introverted Child
article originally written for by Jen Lilienstein According to the Center for Applications of Psychological Type (CAPT), introverts represent approximately half (47-55 percent) of the U.S. population, even though “the population seems to be about 70 percent extraverted,” according
Using Personality Type to Enhance Music Education
Bonnie TeVelde wasn't always a music school director—she started as an accountant and business operations consultant that helped clients develop their businesses. She was frustrated and started a music education on the side to fill her soul in a way
Effective Breakout Groups for Long-Term Projects
Break Apart by Multiple Intelligence FIRST Place at least one child with a parallel preference in each of your breakout groups. E.g., for a history lesson, place a child with and intra- or interpersonal preference in each breakout group; for
Women’s Many Paths to the History Books
Article originally written by Jen Lilienstein and published on LessonPlanet. As we celebrate Women’s History Month in our classrooms, it’s important to show young women not only that various female historical figures paved different ways to the history books, but