Project Based Learning, Personality Type, and the 16 Habits of Mind

interpersonal intelligence AKA people smarts

This article was written by Jen Lilienstein and originally published on LessonPlanet As new brain research permeates educational insights, we are becoming increasingly aware that engagement and affectivity – long key components of many pedagogical constructs – are now being

References We Used As We Developed Kidzmet

References We Used As We Developed Kidzmet

Genesis of Kidzmet While we started building the current version of Kidzmet in late 2010, the inspiration for the idea actually came from Jen Lilienstein’s undergraduate senior thesis in 1994. Under the direction of Dr. Francesca Cancian at UCI, Jen

Effective Breakout Groups for Practice Lessons

effective breakout groups

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." Albert Einstein MBTI Manual, p32 Break by Multiple Intelligence FIRST Place at