Play a song in a language that your child doesn’t know in a style that appeals to him/her. What does it sound like the singer might be talking about? What is it about the music that makes him/her think so? The
Streams, Sculptures & Screens
Introduce your kids to the visual natural masterpieces of Andy Goldsworthy. Then, go on an outdoor “explore” with your kids and your camera phone with the intention of creating your own natural mixed medium masterpieces. As with Andy’s work, your
Timing Is Everything
Take advantage of your intrapersonally intelligent child's goal-oriented nature and take a look at what was expected of your child in the math realm during their last quarter of school and what lies ahead in the first quarter of the
Letter-Perfect Park Poems
Adapted with permission from Chicago Park District’s “Once Upon a Day Camp” Guide Go to a park or into another natural setting (e.g. beach, woods, etc.) with your child. Then show your child a letter perfect poem like this one (a poem
Money Matters & Markers
In our current age of plastic money, it’s not just our government that no longer grasps the concept of money & budgets…it’s our families and kids, too. While it’s no secret that allowances can help kids to understand the value
Summer Reading Recommendations for the “Nature Smart” Child
All ages: Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night. By Joyce Sidman. Twelve poems celebrating the night are accompanied by prose about nocturnal flora and fauna. Newbery Honor Book Farm. By Elisha Cooper. Experience life on a very real farm with
Wordless Walk
Make a date to go for a wordless walk with your child each evening. Use the opportunity to silently reflect on your days, just enjoying the sounds of nature as you stroll away the day’s stresses. Think about what you
Shape Poetry
A shape poem is one that describes an object and is written in the shape of the object. To get your child’s creative juices flowing, you can look at examples of shape poetry here. Next, have your child pick an object
Audible Feast
As we all know, variety is the spice of life…but many of us get stuck in a rut when it comes to the musical genres to which we will listen. When you think about it, though, music is much like
Sensory Sensitivities
Visit different outdoor environments—e.g. the playground, a field, the woods, school, your backyard, a community garden, the zoo, the beach—or even just the same one at different times of day with your child and tune into your senses. What does