I don’t know how it is in your house, but at our house, getting something in the snail mail box is always a thrill for my kids. I must admit, I was the same way when I was young. I
What a Character!
Adapted from a post on Minds in Bloom by Rachel Lynette. Used with Permission. “If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the
Make It Your Mission! Part 5
Attend a trade show or conference with some of your fellow advocates and/or a parent that is in alignment with your mission. (Maybe one of your new email pen pals will also be attending and you can meet!) Walk the
Touchy Touchy
Watch a well-acted movie scene or play with lots of interaction. Write all of the character names down one column, then make one column for touching and one column for being touched. Have your child make a tally mark by
Limerick Epitaphs
Talk to your child about what an epitaph is (a brief poem or other writing in praise of a someone who has passed away so that others could get a sense of who the person was). Then read some limericks
Boredom Buster Board Games
Whether you choose a perennial favorite or a newer version, your interpersonal child will enjoy keeping their math skills sharp over the summer by playing math-based board games with family and friends. From oldies but goodies like Monopoly, Parcheesi, Cribbage
The Way You Make Me Feel
Play different classical music pieces by different composers. How does the music make your child feel? What about each piece makes him/her feel that way? Instruments used? Chord progressions? Tempo? Melody? Harmonies? Extra Credit: Look up what the composer intended the piece
Family Activity Friday – World Music!
This weekend, listen to some music from other parts of the world with your family. What different instruments are used? How about harmonies, chords, dynamics or rhythms? Do these differences in the country’s music give you any clues with respect
Senza Voce Video
Watch a short film or movie scene that your child hasn’t seen before with the sound off. Can s/he tell what was happening with Character X in the scene? How did they feel? How about Character Y? What about their faces,
Forgoing Fear of Failure
In an era of teaching to the test in school and avoiding mistakes at all costs, one of the most important things we need to teach our children these days is that failure in-and-of-itself is not a negative thing. It’s