“In dealing with people, when we keep their type in mind, we are respecting not only their abstract right to develop along lines of their own choosing, but also the importance of qualities they have developed by making that choice.“
Scripted Summer
If your child cringes at the thought of summer reading lists, try having him/her read screenplays with you from some movie favorites instead on http://www.imsdb.com/genre/Family. (Or, if your child is still an early or pre-reader, read a few scenes from
After Happily Ever After
Choose a favorite story to act out as a family…but don’t start at the beginning–start at the END! Have each family member choose a different character to play and act out what happens next in the character’s lives. Extra Credit: Every
Melodramatic Mime
Have your child act out a favorite story or book in melodramatic mime, playing all the characters. Encourage over-exaggerated movements from him/her! Extra Credit: Have your child mime one of your favorite stories without you reading it. See if you can
One-Size-Fits-All Doesn’t Work for Education
by Meredith Resnick, M.Ed & MA I have always been skeptical of clothing items that say one-size-fits-all. And for good reason! Although those gloves with the ‘one size works for everyone’ tag may in fact fit my 4 year old
Thumb Ball
Via Childrens-Choice.org (used with permission) Blow up a multi-colored beach ball, then using a sharpie, draw an “equator” on the ball, then number each section from 1 to 12. Toss the ball to different family members and call out the operation to
Senza Voce Video
Watch a short film or movie scene that your child hasn’t seen before with the sound off. Can s/he tell what was happening with Character X in the scene? How did they feel? How about Character Y? What about their faces,
Family Activity Friday – World Music!
This weekend, listen to some music from other parts of the world with your family. What different instruments are used? How about harmonies, chords, dynamics or rhythms? Do these differences in the country’s music give you any clues with respect
Forces of Nature
Inspired by 200+ Active Learning Strategies by James A. Bellanca Play some nature-based music (we recommend trying some of George Winston’s Seasons based piano solos from the early 1980s on YouTube). Have your child pretend to be either the forces
Fireworks are Popping Up All Over!
People often mistakenly associate body smarts solely with gross motor coordination (e.g. sports, dance). But kinesthetic intelligence also encompasses fine motor skills. Take advantage of your kids’ excitement over tonight’s fireworks to flex your kids’ kinesthetic and visual-spatial mind muscles