Build on your child’s blossoming naturistic and visual intelligence to connect state nature and name. Print out (or purchase) a good sized map of the United States, then decide which of the following to “map” on top of each state:
Native Nature
Encourage your child’s “blossoming” love of nature by introducing the art of Xeriscaping. Have him/her help you identify new plants that you can use to beautify your outdoor surroundings…that can thrive without additional irrigation. If they don’t know about it
10 Tips When Helping Your Children to Choose Their Science Fair Projects

Science fair season has become increasingly more competitive. This is because the stakes at these events are no longer limited to ribbons and plaques. There are big money rewards to be won and chances to impress college entrance boards as
Streams, Sculptures & Screens
Introduce your kids to the visual natural masterpieces of Andy Goldsworthy. Then, go on an outdoor “explore” with your kids and your camera phone with the intention of creating your own natural mixed medium masterpieces. As with Andy’s work, your
Butterflies & Blooms
Set a goal to help restore butterfly migration routes in your town by planting a butterfly garden with native plants or seeds. Research the best options to provide nectar, roosting, or food for caterpillars that migrate through your area. After
Autobiographical Cube
Inspired by an activity in Multiple Intelligences in the Elementary Classroom: A Teachers Toolkit by Susan Baum, Julie Viens and Barbara Slatin. Take a square box (or die) and put 4 of your child’s FAVORITE multiple intelligences on the sides
Alien Invasion
Adapted from a Chicago City Parks & Rec activity recommendation (used with permission) See a familiar outdoor setting with new eyes as you and your child pretend to be aliens on a mission to explore our planet and report back to
‘Tis the Season
Play a piece of classical music that is supposed to take place during a certain season. Can your child guess what season the composer wanted you to see in your mind’s eye? What about the music helps you see that
Pressed for Time
Inspired by 7 Times Smarter by Laurel Schmidt Supplies Needed: thick book (old phone books work well), kleenex or toilet paper, construction paper or cardboard and glue stick or craft glue Take your child on a nature walk in your
Let’s Commune About Nature
If you haven’t already discovered Wordle, this activity will give you a fun introduction to this creative tool as well as a creative way to get your Kidzmet Kids talking about all the natural phenomena that are affecting our loved