Science fair season has become increasingly more competitive. This is because the stakes at these events are no longer limited to ribbons and plaques. There are big money rewards to be won and chances to impress college entrance boards as
Sing Like a Bird
Pop Quiz: How many cereal brands can your child name? How about fast food restaurants? Now ask him/her to name all the birds s/he can remember. There are probably just as many bird species in your neighborhood as fast-food brands,
Forces of Nature
Inspired by 200+ Active Learning Strategies by James A. Bellanca Play some nature-based music (we recommend trying some of George Winston’s Seasons based piano solos from the early 1980s on YouTube). Have your child pretend to be either the forces
Fall Recipes Your Kids will “Gobble Gobble” Up
Few things are close to cooking for at-home learning activities that don’t feel like learning. There’s math involved in measuring and adjusting recipes; linguistic smarts involved in recipes & reviews; kinesthetic work involved in chopping/kneading/stirring/etc; interpersonal & communication skills involved since
Secret Hideout
Go to a nearby “wild” space with a few of your child’s friends and help the kids create a “secret hideout” solely from the trees, rocks, branches, etc. Show the kids how they can not only use the hideout for
Animal Antics
Watch a short documentary or TV show about animals (e.g. Meerkat Manor or Wild Kingdom) with the sound off. After it’s over, talk about what your child thought was happening during the episode and the “characters” each animal played. Replay
Sew Cool!
While many parents think of sewing as “antiquated” and/or “just for girls”, there are plenty of benefits that can be derived from both your sons and daughters learning to sew in the kinesthetic intelligence, visual/spatial intelligence, logical/mathematical and naturistic intelligence realms. Kinesthetically speaking :: from
Summer Reading Recommendations for the “Nature Smart” Child
All ages: Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night. By Joyce Sidman. Twelve poems celebrating the night are accompanied by prose about nocturnal flora and fauna. Newbery Honor Book Farm. By Elisha Cooper. Experience life on a very real farm with
Starstruck Storytime
There’s no better time than warm, summertime nights to stargaze. Connecting the dots in the sky with the mythology from different cultures can leave your linguistic child star struck. Check books out of the library telling the stories of each
‘Tis the Season
Play a piece of classical music that is supposed to take place during a certain season. Can your child guess what season the composer wanted you to see in your mind’s eye? What about the music helps you see that